Tresemme Conditioner review

2:05 AM

TRESEMME is here in Indonesia!


Finally i meet this lovely conditioner again! Back then when i am still young and pretty *bwuahaha*, i lived in USA. This was one of my favorite conditioner lha, my host mom used to bought this for us, and it was so big i could put conditioner two times on my hair ( Oh mom, now you know who used up all the conditioner! *slapped!). But it was okay because it was only $3 for 600 ml.  

The packaging is about the same. It comes with a flip cap. It smells floral-ly, and quite strong. The texture is quite light, so even when i put conditioner two times on my hair, it doesn`t feel sticky at all. I have this unruly hair that requires me to chemically smoothing my hair once a year, otherwise i will look like a lion everyday *RAWRRRR*. I love to put lots of conditioner so it looks shiny and my hair ends don`t split.

In humid Indonesia, it doesn`t feel as moisturizing as it was (or it just my own thinking?). But yeah, it certainly doesn`t stop my hair ends to curls due to humidity.

The conditioner retails on affordable price, not more than 20.000 rupiahs/bottle. I found mine in carrefour and hypermart. Have you tried this? Do you like it?

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  1. blom pernah coba han :D eh itu diproduksi di unilever kah?? *melihat ada logo unilever*

    1. Kayaknya unilever it distributornya deh shel

  2. aaah, aku mau nyobain tresemme juga tapi belum sempat nyarinya *-* penasaraaaaaan

  3. Yeay, pengen nyoba sejak liat iklannya di tv *korban-iklan*, haha, thanks for the review :)

  4. Mau coba samplenya? Bisa kok didapatkan secara gratis. Mau ambil sebanyak apapun juga bisa, tapi harus tahan malu ya
    Hari ini diriku pergi ke guardian. Ternyata setiap ambil katalog guardian, dapet sample shampoo dan condi. Lumayan kaaaaan.hahahaha

  5. aku kemarin baru aja beli shampoo & conditionernya... kebetulan shampoo lagi abis jadi sekalian coba ini deh hihi


  6. Udah pake n cocok banget... kalo pake shampo laen suka lepek, tp kalo ini nggak, beneran ... *No Iklan hehehe..

    referensi: pengalaman pribadi donk...

  7. kalau pakai shampo merk lain tp conditioner nya pakai yg tresseme masalah ga ya ?


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