
My newest skincare from The Natural Story

2:20 PM

Have you ever heard about The Natural Story before?

If you haven’t, The Natural Story is an Indonesian brand from Malang. The company produces high quality soap and lipbalm from natural ingredients, such as oatmeal and japan rice :). As natural as being said, it is free from SLS, parabens, chemical and artificial colors.

Natural skincare is famous in US, when i bought it last time, it can reach $3 for 1 soap. The natural story provides same quality with comparatively low price. The soap bar below is sold for $1 (15000), whereas the bee balm that i am going to introduce later is only $1,5 (20000 rupiahs)


The natural story provides several ingredients you can choose from: Oatmeal, rose, korean red rice and Japan rice. Mine is Oatmeal soap bar.

TNS Malang 

tns oatmeal3

tns oatmeal

The soap is quite heavy! 80gr :) and it lasts for three weeks, which is longer than my usual Dove soap bar. So far i like this more :) because it exfoliates dead skin and make my skin cleaner and whiter. As for the packaging, it comes out nicely with wood colored paper pack. Very classy. It is going to be better if the glue was more intact so we can actually stock on the soap without worry that the packaging will comes off.

TNS oatmeal2

What i love the most about this soap is the fragrance! It smells very oatmeal. I like oatmeal and eat it everyday. This soap just makes me craving for it in the morning :)


Now i want to introduce this Bee balm :) It comes with cute yellow box. I like it! But then again the glue also comes off easily >.<



It is cute and small. It fits to my pocket and practically easy to bring everywhere


It smells so good!!! Smells like honey and caramel :) Although it only contains a small amount of product, it will stay long because a little bit goes along the way. I can even tell the difference right away :)


This Bee Balm is multifunctioned. You can use it to the dry areas of your skin and even as lipbalm. It moisturizes very well. It helps my chapped lips alot, but then it tasted bitter when the product got licked by accident >.<

tns lip balm

The top picture is my bare lip. It is not too dry, but chapped a little bit at the outer edges. The bottom pic is my lip with a tiny bit of Bee Balm. It is more moisturized :)


Since i dont like the taste, i currently using the bee balm as my hand cream. Works well! It works better than Angel Hand Cream from Nature Republic that i owned.

If you are interested to buy, you can check their website

The Natural Story


Phone/ WA: 0899.888.4548

Price Range: 7000 to 20.000

Love always,


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