
Review Etude House BB Cream Cotton Fit N02

10:15 AM

I seriously miss this blog!

Though i have tons of my favorite products that are waiting to be reviewed on, life is getting in away >.<

Worry not, today i am back again with a review on Etude House BB Cream Cotton Fit shade N02.

cotton fit 3

cotton fit 8 

Love the fact that Etude House BB Cream “Fit” series always showered with pearl extract. I dont know about you, but as for me i find that it gives my skin a healthy glow.


The packaging is exactly the same with my favorite EH Bright Fit,except that the color is white. Hmm.. I personally prefer the pinky peach color in Bright Fit because white is easily dirty >.<


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Yay for pump! Hygienic!

cotton fit7

As for the bb cream, it is somehow thicker and harder to blend than previous EH BB Cream. If i spray Aveeno facial spray first, it will solve the problem and makes the bb cream spreads and blends better.

The finish is matte which i like so much.The coverage is medium to full :). As for oil control, it holds up whole day for 5 to 6 hours without blotting.

Overall, i like it a lot and i use this for my daily make up :)



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