Berbagi Make Up Giveaway - October
1:35 AM
This is not a giveaway!
Nah lho? hehehe i will tell you why..
This "giveaway" is actually more like me sharing things that are on my vanity stash with you to try on. Nothing fancy. I put giveaway on the tag only to make it familiar hehehe.
Why do I host this?
This all begins when i chatted with some of my readers. We were discussing make up techniques and where to learn make up until they said something.
" I`d like to learn lha (make up), but i still save some money to buy make up products. I really can`t wait, but no choice >.<"
The other one, also a blogger, was sharing with me her overly impulsive make up buying ever since she started her blog. I ask her why? Ya, because when she read another blogger posts, she would like to try and when she wants to do review, she feels that she need to buy products.
They spark something! First, Why wait? I really don`t want to be happily playing with make up alone. I want my readers to have chance to try too. Of course I have shared my make up already with the reader that chatted with me. She was sooo happy,it makes me want to share with all of you who needs make up, but unfortunately my make ups are limited. Hopefully with the "giveaway", people can take turns and i can help more hehehe..
Second, Why buy too much? Blogging is about passion to write and share. To blog does not means you have to spend a lot of money. You don`t have to buy fullsize foundation to know whether it is good or not. Just like you don`t have to drink the whole barrel of wine to tell whether it is nice or not.
I will be sharing my make up with you!
Everything that can be shared, like foundations, BB Creams, skincares, I will put them in jars, and send them right to your doorsteps. I will be doing this regularly, maybe every month or so. Hehehe, that is why, pray for me that i can earn a lot of moolas and can afford good make ups, so we can share it together! hehehe.
I will also send to you fullsize product and accessories as gift!
So, what to share this October? Check it out!
Full size product: Tresemme Smooth and Shine Conditioner. It is newly launched and sizzling hot! Try it for free!
Accesories: This is a bun to make a Korean hair bun. Very neat and a cute Korean Bun is ready in a matter of seconds!
I also added some shampoo samples. First from premium shampoo brand Chihtsai and shampoo from Tresemme.
Sample in Jars:
Maybelline Angelfit foundation in Buff
Skin 79 Dream Girls BB Cream
Skin 79 Gold Label BB Cream
La tulipe cover foundation series: Rachel, Suntan and Natural
Rivera Green Misty Foundation
Two Pairs of Eyelashes.
So, if you need or want these items, just click this Rafflecopter form below. Easy Peasy and once you click you don`t have to click anymore for the next Berbagi Make Up giveaway.
I hope you enjoy
Good luck
P.S: Open for Indonesia Residences Only
I want to say Happy Idul Adha
for you who celebrate it today!
God bless!
Hi hana :) aku baru ajah mulai ngeblog,blom seminggu malah.. aku ngeblog buat ngusir rasa bosan dan menuangkan apa2 ajah yg terjadi dalam hidupku..jadi kyk semacam diary :)
ReplyDeletehai lovelee, salam kenal hehehe baru ni blognya? terus nulis ya, aku juga suka lho baca tentang pengalaman kehidupan orang lain.. so touching and we can learn from their experience.
DeleteShould I answer the questions here?
ReplyDeleteWell, I have two blog so far, first one for sharing my everyday life and my writings. the second one is for my reviews on beauty products.
It's been about few months since I start blogging again. I used to have a blog when I was in the 10th grade, but I didn't feel the joy from blogging at that time. However I finally realize that I'm good in writing. I can express my thought on everything by writing and post in on my blog kkk~.
I think you do have that power of writing, noleena. Your english is very good. And same here! I run two blogs also! hehehehe, the other one is also for daily life.. would you mind sharing your blog? i would like to follow it also
Deletehere my blogs links,
I really like your reviews, but I'm just a silent reader ._.\/ kk~
already followed yours,dear :)
DeleteHai Hana...
ReplyDeleteAku ngeblog udah 4taunan. Tapi cuma blog abstrak. Aku mulai beauty blogging 5 bulan terakhir ini. Aku dulu aku suka ngeblog abstrak soalnya aku lebih nyaman ngomong lewat tulisan daripada aku ngomong langsung. Tapi alasan aku ngebeauty blogging sekarang karena banyak temen" yang minta advice soal makeup, jadi biar aku nggak perlu ngomong dua kali, aku tinggal bilang "oh kemarin aku habis review produk itu, cek blogku aja" hahaha gaya banget :p
Wakakaka sama nih! gara - gara byuti blogging, orang - orang pada tanya bagusnya pake make up apa, pake foundation ap.. padahal kita kan juga bukan professional yak! hehehehe tapi ya beruntung deh kalo bisa bantu kasi saran buat orang lain ^^..
DeleteBaru ini ak punya blog dan secara acak2an bgt kalo bkin blog banget ack2an deh
ReplyDeleteOverall sih aku demen baca2 blog beauty olang . Karena emnk lebih bertambah wawasan #ckwkwkwk .. Dalam artian ak seneng nulis n baca . Tapi setelah aku sering liat review,tutorial ttg pembahasan beauty inside lah dll ttg makeup kecantikan pola sehat dll . Intinya ak lebih seneng liat olang nge blog dan kita baca . Walau sbenernya ak doyan makeup dan belajar makeupin model jg O_o walau blm byk pengetahuan LoL wkkw
Halo ^^
ReplyDeleteAq udah ngeblog udah sekitar 2 tahunan dan blog aq tentang travelling, computer, tapi kalau untuk beauty blog ini aq baru aja mulai skitar 2 minggu haha..
knapa aq nge blog? karena aq suka mencari informasi, jadi aq ngeblog juga untuk berbagi informasi, skalian ngisi waktu kosong dan sambil belajar make up juga hehe :)
thankss :)
Hello dear~ Join your giveaway ^^
ReplyDeleteAku ngeblog baru bulan agustus kemarin karena aku ingin mencoba menjadi seornag beauty blogger >..< walaupun kayakny gagal :"(
Aku nge blog karena yah untuk mencari kesibukan lain kalau di rumah selain main game kadang2 bosen jadi bisa luangin waktu buat nge post sesuatu gitu ^^
heiyoo Hana, aq sebenernya uda ngeblog dari tahun 2009. tapi blog aku itu cuma untuk curhat2an doank sih, nah sekarang bikin blog lagi yg khusus untuk beauty. uda hampir sebulan lalu jd beauty blogger. suka aja sama beauty blogger karena mereka bisa mengexplor apa aja yg disuka tentang sebuah produk, tips2 dan tutorial. jadi silent reader ga cukup puas buatku, bikin dech blog..hahaa
ReplyDeleteternyata jadi beauty blogger itu susah2 gampang, kita harus bener2 review barang dengan kenyataan yang ada..did u know blogger sekarang sekarang lagi booming banget, gatau dech kenapa. klu aku sih lebih cenderung suka dandan n skincare yah, jadi ga salah buat blog ini buat kasih tau pro and cons suatu produk yang kita pakai..
panjang banget yah komenku..hahah masih banyak lagi yg pengen aku ceritain, bisa di baynagin nnti bisa jadi 1 post gmn?hahhaa
thanks u :*
helloo dewiee. gapapa dong panjang, hehehe aku suka banget bacanya.. dewie nie kayaknya orangnya suka banget cerita2 hehehehe nice to know u, hopefully we can always be friends.
Deletehehehee..thanks hana klu km suka baca komenku :*
Deleteaku lebih cerewet aslinya..orangnya gamau kalah klu di ajak ngomong, tp bicara hrs tetap sesuai sama kenyataan, suka katakan suka kalau ga suka jangan paksain bilang baik..hahahaa
apalagi cari temen yang se-hobi kn susah..ayoklah berteman sejati hana..hihihii^^
hanaaaaa...I want the bbc and lashes it!!! lol: p
Deleteaku ngeblog udah dari 2 tahun lalu tapi seriusnya baru 3 bulan terakhir ini xD Soalnya aku pingin bisa dapet uang dari blogku lol tapi ternyata klo ngeblog dengan serius itu jadi seneng banget. knp? karena aku seneng lihat orang2 comment trs follow aq ternyata ada orang yg suka sama blog aku T_______T
ReplyDeletevisit my blog ^^
btw maksud dari giveaway ini baik banget T__T terharu T^T
aku termasuk yang suka! hehehe makasih ya nge.. ada juga yang menangkap niat baikku >.< semoga bisa cukup membantu yak hehehehe...
Deletehello kakak hana thx ya giveawaynya
ReplyDeletelove ya !
aku udah dari 3 tahun yang lalu ngeblog ... tapi blog blog yang aku buat sebelumnnya bukan tentang beauty gitu , tentang K-POP KPOP gitu soalnya aku KPOPERS
begitu liat ada giveaway" tentang kosmetik gitu .. aku pengen juga buat blog tentang beauty gitu xixii...
thks hana wish me luck
gud luck dear!
Deleteaku punya blog baru mulai dari bulan februari.ngeblog karena isi waktu luang :)
ReplyDeleteDo you blog? Yes
ReplyDeleteHow long do you blog? Around 7 months
and WHY do you love to blog? I love to blog because I love to share my opinions about beauty-related things :) And I got many new friends ^^
I'm bloggin':
ReplyDeleteActively about 7 months.
I decide to blog about beauty products because I want to share information and experience with others. And I do hope that others can get benefit from the info I write about products they want to buy. So I can help many people by providing the right info and preventing them buying the wrong products for themselves, especially for people with tight budget.
And I do love blogging because I get new friends, know new people with same hobby. I don't do many socializing in my daily life, limited to people at work and home.
Aku udah ngeblog sebenernya udah lama banget dari jaman2 sekolah dulu ><, tapi isinya standar random banget, dan baru ke dunia beauty di akhir tahun 2011an lalu, alasannya pertama cuma mau ngeshare bagus jeleknya produk2 yang aku pake >< tapi sampe kesaat ininya ngeblog juga bikin tambah banyak temen dan pengetahuan. hehe
ReplyDeleteaku nge blog itu uda dari SD kelas 6, karna aku homeschooling aku di haruskan mengerjakan semua tugas dengan blog, tapi belum terjun ke beauty blogger..
ReplyDeletesetelah keracunan dengan make up, liat beauty bloger yang kece2 jadi ikutan deh, itu juga baru jalan ke 3 bulan nih aku jadi beauty blogger...
enak jadi blogger karna bisa saling shering dan bisa saling ngeracunin dan berbagi ilmu deh ^^
so i enjoy blogging
Yep! I do blogging and I love it!
ReplyDeleteHehe, actually I have been blogging since 2009 but at first I started a personal blog consists of my daily life and thoughts, then I have another blog (which is this) talks about fashion and my fashion inspiration. Later, at the beginning of 2012, i started to blog more about beauty ^^
I love blogging because I really like to let my thoughts out. I find blogging is one of the ways to let my stress out. By blogging I found that I have something to do and something I love. Moreover, it's not only me who get benefit from blogging, but also my readers, and my friends. They said that my blog is inspiring, and that they find it very useful (reviews, haul, event, etc.) Besides, I also get other benefits from blogging. Because I posted some of my OOTDs and LOTDs, I was invited to be a speaker in my campus seminar about fashion and now, some of my friends starts to ask me for doing their makeup for special occasions.
I love blogging! >_<
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteOh,well, aku udh ngeblog cukup lama, dari 2007 atau 2008 gitu. ya tapi msh angin-anginan. ga ada tujuan mau beauty blogger atau apapun. soalnya aku suka nulis yang macam-macam di blog.dari curhat, beauty, cerpen, novel, film, buku, macem-macem yang aku suka. Why I love blogging? suka aja ngetik-ngetik ga jelas tentang apa aja. kadang apa pendapatku tentang sesuatu aku tulis. banyak deh.. Btw I love reading you blog because gaya bahasanya asik.. ihihihi.. ;D
ReplyDeleteYes, I do some occasionally blogpost hahaha, I blog because it is a very different way to story-telling people about events happened in my life, what i've been through :)
ReplyDeleteHello CC Hana...q mulai ngeblog udah dari tahun kmaren tapi ya itu... masih nggak tahu ngeblog yang baik tu kayak apa. N yang masih jd kebiasaan mpe sekarang, q jarang banget nulis di blog emang, q nulis kalo lagi semangat+ada ide aja buat nulis..yang q tulis emang sebagian besar bersifat pribadi aja.. kayak hobby, curhatan2 ga penting, n sesekali beaty tips. Q lebih suka jadi reader, q paling suka ma beauty blogger makannya q sering banget mampir2 ke beauty2 blogger itu termasuk kamu cc...
ReplyDeleteSenengnya ngeblog itu , kita bisa nambah pengetahuan n temen2 baru meski nggak pernah bertemu mereka sekalipun...
~Keep Posting ya cc..I Like Your Blog... :)
Gw baru aja mulai ngeblog.Dalam bulan ini dan baru beberapa post.
ReplyDeleteAwalnya jadi silent reader para beauty blogger. Lama kelamaan jadi tertarik juga.
I cant make a beauty product review. And planning make FOTD :D
I love to blog, especially in beauty, make up and culinary. Because it's just like my online diary. Hihihi.
Sometimes i can read it again and i can share with everyone in here!
Keep Blogging ^^
Visit and follow my blog
sampe skrg aku sih belom punya blog, tapi nanti pengen bkin beauty blog gtu :)
ReplyDeletethanks for the giveawy yah :)
iya dear.. pasti aku follow.. hehehe keep blogging! i love ur post!
ReplyDeletebikin blog baru saja, karena masih newbie jd perlu belajar, mohon dukungannya ya^^
ReplyDeletePasti dear, gud luck.. and keep writin`
DeleteDo you blog? Yesss
ReplyDeleteHow long do you blog and WHY do you love to blog? Since I was in my high school. It starts when my IT Teacher told us to make our personal blog. I did it! But, since it was my first blog *lagi norak-noraknya bikin postingan banyaakkk* so I decided to make a new one. So, I made a new one. A year ago, I made my personal blog and three months ago, I decided to make a new one for beauty purpose since I made a lot of post about my personal, movie review, food review, and stuffs in my personal blog. Why do I blog? Because I love to share. You know, sometimes it is harder to talk in person, so I decided to write it down.
Wooo. It's long already. Sorry :p hehehe
I have a blog and start blogging 1 year ago, but honestly I already had a couple of blogs before, but the blogs are neglected because I was not actively make a post. and the content of my new blog is almost full of review and also my personal life, because of that I using "I shared Anything!" as my blog tagline, I love to share anything with other people that's why I started bloging.
ReplyDeleteI also love tobe a blogwalking and be the blog reader. this past 2 months, I interested in beauty bloggers. and almost everyday I also checking an updated post in IBB group on facebook. I love to read beauty blog beause it's really awesome to know what kind a make up & skin care perfect for my face before I bought it.
and the last, I love to have a new friends.
btw, sorry for a long post ^^
Hi girl .
ReplyDeleteSaya baru ngeblog aja si , mulai dari bulan oktober ini .
Blogku mengenai review produk yang telah aku beli di online shop maupun offline shop .
Feel free blogwalking to my blog :
Mariani Lo
pengen banget sama eyelashesnya ><
ReplyDeleteDo you blog? Yup.
ReplyDeleteHow long do you blog? 5 months
WHY do you love to blog? Keracunan. HAhahaha.... Sebelum ngeblog sebetulnya aku suka nulis. DI kertas kebanyakan. Cerita, diary, dll. Terus sempet juga bikin blog jaman baheula. Aku aja ngga inget sudah isinya apa >.< Hahaha....
Pada dasarnya aku emang bukan orang marketing atau orator yang pandai ngomong sihhh. Syalala~ :p Ya. Aku lebih bisa berkata-kata di tulisan begini daripada ngomong langusung. Wkwkwk... :) Dari ngeblog aku juga bisa sharing interest dan dapet temen baru yang banyaaaaakkkk... *termsuk kamu :D* *hug*
Do you blogger? Yes I am.
ReplyDeleteHow long do you blog and WHY do you love to blog?
Aku mulai kenal blog itu sejak tahun 2009 tapi karena temen-temen ga ada yang ngerti blog apalagi zaman-zaman segitu internet masih harus ke warnet, walah males banget jadi sempat vacum gitu.
Terus pas kelas 3 smp ada pelajaran blogging, aku ingat sama blog yang aku buat jadi buka lagi deh blog, tapi ya gitu blog angin-anginan ga jelas.
So far aku punya 3 blog. ke tiga-tiganya masih aku gunain semuanya kadang bingung sih bagi post nya gimana hahah..
So love blogging so much, karena disini kita bisa ungkapin kata-kata yang nggak kadang ga bisa langsung keluar pas ngomong selain itu kita bisa berbagi fikiran dan nambah temen.
punya, lebih dari 2 tahun, punya sekitar 4 blog, tapi sekarang yang aktif cuma 2, yang blogspot ama untuk blog staf di instansiku bekerja. karena dulu itu aku suka nulis puisi, jadi pengen bikin blog, tapi semakin hari, isinya engga cuma puisi atau curahan hati atau kejadian sehari-hari, tapi ke review makanan, tapi masih beberapa, karena kebayakan aku cuma suka foto kuliner, tapi sekarang mulai rajin lagi untuk blogging.
ReplyDeleteDo you blog? yes :)
ReplyDeleteHow long do you blog and WHY do you love to blog?
maybe just about 1 month hehe I start to have a blog cause I found so many worlds there, and I wanna following them all to update what their posting about :)