
Some drugstore skincare products that i used

I use Kose skincare range for my daily routine. Good, really, my skin feels supple and rejuvenated. But, i have to admit that Kose takes a fortune from my thinny thin wallet T__T. In the other hand, drug store skincare product are SOOOO MANY out there and affordable! Many of you asked me through email what drug store skin care products that are...

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Introducing: My Dellilah blog

Buat kamu yang suka dengan produk produk make up Indonesia, hari ini Hana mau ngenalin my Dellilah Blog. My Dellilah ini adala beauty blog yang ditulis oleh Rifka Giovani. Aku baca blog ini pertama kali waktu searching tentang Pixy lipstick. Rifka mengcovernya dengan lengkap, dan banyak pilihan warna yang ditampilin, sampai akhirnya aku "teracuni" beli Pixy juga hehehe. Coba deh, visit blog ini....

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I am what I am international cultural art show

We never know what life has to offer. It is full of surprises. One of them, i got it around two weeks ago. My former lecturer, Jie Karin offered me to accompany her and “worked” as make up artist. The international cultural art show, I am what I am was held in 11 – 12 July at Ciputra Hall. I got to lived...

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Simple Gyaru Make Up Tutorial

Ni haoo :) The Eid Fitri holiday is finally over and our daily routine soon going to strucked us again. Don`t worry, though work can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but we certainly can not forget our usual hang out time with our besties. Real life is fun! So, today i come up with Simple Gyaru Make Up tutorial for you....

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Zoya Eyeliner Pencil in White Review

Sudah lama aku pengen punya NYX Jumbo Eyeliner Pencil warna Milk, tapi entah kenapa ga pernah kesampean. Malas PO la, atau sudah pengen PO, tapi malah merasa ga penting. Minggu lalu waktu main ke toko kosmetik, aku nemuin eyeliner lokal dari Zoya. Kebetulan warnanya putih, dan harganya murah. Cuma 25000. Aku beli satu, deh, itung itung buat koleksi :) Eyeliner ini warna pink,...

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