
Budget Beauty: Face on Face Eyeshadow Swatches

8:25 AM

Another budget beauty review! YAY!

This post right here, is going to be exciting for high school students because i am going to cover a godd eyeshadow that you can use for Korean ullzang style or any natural look with a pretty cheap budget. So far as i know, it is retailed around 30.000 rupiahs or $3, for three colors and 4.5 grams. Price may vary though.

miu 265

miu 272

miu 289

They have two variants, Natural Glow and Blooming Rose

miu 267

miu 268 

Pretty color, buttery, and the only thing that i do not like is the brown (darkest shade). It is a bit orangey. I like to apply the lightest color on my entire lid. Just to brighten it up. Believe me, the color won`t be obvious, just that your eye will look glowy and awake. Love it. I like to use it to highlight my cheek bone and cupid bow too!

miu 281

miu 286

This Blooming Rose.. Hmmm.. Honestly, it is not my favorite, i gave this away to one of my student. The color in the middle is a bit chalky and the darkest color is too purple for daily.


miu 274

Swatch on Natural Glow

miu 293

Swatch on Blooming Rose

Sheer pigmentation and does not last long. Very very light make up. But well, i just need light make up for work so this will do it. It is a bit powdery. I recommend this for your daily make up, especially the Natural Glow. Lovely for highlight.


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  1. orange banget ya coklat natural glow
    kayaknya bakalan agak bingung make nya
    anyway thanks for reviewing


  2. 22nya shimmery yah :( aku lagi cari yang matte


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