
How to find our life goals

If you are like me, 20 something and serious about your life, I believe you will ask yourself endlessly about what you want to do in your life. It is seriously common and cliche question. I personally see this question very special because far too much, in my life, I have seen example of people who lead a boring life. Wake up, do...

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Jalan - jalan ke Taipei 101

Hari ini mendung cantik dan berhubung kepala lagi mumet ngerjain tesis, aku jalan - jalan sendiri ke Taipei 101. Taipei 101 ini gedung tertinggi di Taiwan, perpaduan antara mall dan kantor - kantor. Taipei 101 ini seperti trade center, semua perusahaan internasional yang keren - keren biasanya ngantor disini. Doain ya, biar aku juga bisa ikutan ngantor disini hehehehe. Mall di Taipei 101...

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Master of Something

Finally i checked "Master degree" out of my bucket list. I have done it and i am the first in my family to do so. I could not cease to give thanks to the Lord. Education has always been a privilege for me, it is not something that my family could easily afford. Against the odd, i can pursue my degree till this...

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Taipei Story : Love

You could work hard and buy everything in this world, but you could not buy love. People who love you when you are old and sick, are the one who truly love you. -Hana 06062016- ...

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Eyebrow powder jagoan: Integrate vs Skinfood

Alis itu sangat penting. Banget. Alis yang terlalu tipis bakal bikin kamu kelihatan lebih tua. Makanya tren make up Korea suka banget bikin alis yang tebal dan lurus karena membuat muka kita terkesan lebih muda. Nah, contohnya cece YooNa yang cantik ini. Lihat alisnya, sama nggak kayak alismu? source: Google Nah, buat pemula, Beauty Chica rekomendasiin eyebrow powder buat kamu. Kenapa? Karena lebih...

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Integrate Eyebrow Powder BR 631 review

Halo semuanya! Hari ini Beauty Chica balik lagi sama review eyebrow powder dari Integrate. Pertama kali pengen beli ini udah bertahun tahun yang lalu, sejak lihat tutorial Sasaki Asahi di Youtube. Tapi ya gitu lah, nggak kebeli karena susah carinya di Indonesia. Di Taiwan, brand Integrate ini dimana - mana. Nah, waktu Skinfood eyebrow powderku hit pan aku beli ini buat gantinya. Ini...

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Kuan Yuan Lian Cucumber Water Spray Review

Let me introduce you to this Taiwan famous mist called Kuan Yuan Lian Cucumber Water Spray. I knew this brand after my friend from Holland got a very bad case of sunburn. His face literally became two colors, brown and that pale ish white, and those brown part of his face literally peeled off, Omaigatt.. So scary.. Then the lady in Watson recommend...

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