Revlon Matte Lipstick in Pink Pout, Old but not Forgotten!

6:47 AM

Hola, chicas! Today i want to share with you my old lipstick from Revlon. Tho old, i find myself keep using it. Its existence is unbeatable by new lipstick collection.  Please welcome, Revlon Matte Lipstick in Pink Pout! I got it for around 50.000 rupiahs or 5 USD at the local department store, and this is how it looks like.

I have to say that the packaging is quite boring. Black with one highlight of silver band. The packaging is made of a doff plastick, quite a loss  for me. This kind of plastic got dirty quite easily, and once it dirties, OH MY, quite difficult to re-clean. Aside of  the packaging, i am on love with the color, here is the swatch on my hand.

It is pink, with a hint of purple. It is matte, which is good for me because i have a thick lips. Glossy things will only emphasize it, whereas cute matte lipstick like this will bring the illusion of suede - like lips. This is how this lipstick looks like on me.

How? Looks good?

I find this lipstick is quite drying though not as bad as another matte lipstick that i own. So, certainly applying lipbalm first before this lipstick is a must for me. Despite the texture, it sits well on my lips without exposing dry parts and fine lines. Staying power is also great, it lasts the entire day. Around 4 or 5 hours if i do not eat anything, but even if i do, it still left me a hint of beautiful color.

I am quite satisfied with this lipstick performance. That is why i have been keeping it on my stash ^^. I do recommend this for fair skin espescially those with plump lips like me. Matte lipstick is a better choice for us. In the end of the day, i`d like to repurchase this lipstick in another colors. Hopefully i will love them too as much as i do for this Pink Pout shade!

Rating: 4/5
Repurchase? Yes

Love: Eskimo ice cream, do you know this ice cream? It is some kind of hard ice cream made from natural ingredients. Loooveee it!
Hate: Wounds.. They are getting better now, but they still won`t allow me to move freely >.<
Currently reading: 7 Secrets of the Truly Rich by Bo Sanchez.

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  1. Hello Chica nice to meet you!
    the color looks gorgeous on your lips :D
    yes the packaging is plain, but hey it doesn't matter much if the result's that good on you ;)

    1. Thank you nit! hehehe.. pernah coba lipstik ini kah?

  2. cakep warnanya, bikin kamu keliatan fresh, sayang aku ga cocok pake lipstik warna pink, aneh ngeliatnya hehehe

    1. hai mut, salam kenal ya :).. Kalau kamu cocok warna yang kayak apa? yang lebih cokelat/champagne gt kah?

  3. your fair skin really complement with the lipstick colour! esp it matte making it look more natural like your own lip colour :) did you conceal your lips before applying lipstick?

  4. i love revlon's mattes :D
    this color look pretttyyy, will check on this cuttie!

    1. ya Monica.. me too.. thanks for reading! this lippies are definitel worth it

  5. racunnn.. beli ah :)

    salam kenal ya,

  6. warnanya baguus :D
    tapi aku gak cocok pink -___-
    eh, kamu mjokerto?

    1. iya git, aslinya mojokerto tapi sekarang kuliah n kerja di surabaya. kamu mojokerto juga kah?

  7. iya babe, tau gara2 toko sehat kalau kamu dari mojokerto *winkwink*

    1. hahahaha toko sehat beneran terkenal yaa.. waaa asyik ada sesama beauty junkie dari mojokerto hehehe... rumah dimana git?

  8. ndek ini lho han, tau sma raden patah gak? ya wes sejalan sama itu,, di pinggir kali brantas
    rumahmu dmana? jangan2 kamu dulu sma e TNH

  9. ndek ini lho han, tau sma raden patah gak? ya wes sejalan sama itu,, di pinggir kali brantas
    rumahmu dmana? jangan2 kamu dulu sma e TNH

    1. iyow lhaa.. q di sma tnh terus ikut pertukaran pelajar ke amerika.. kamu temene aini ya? hahaha.. tau2 aku di magersari indah kok.. Let`s meet up di mojo kalo pas libur panjang hehehe..ntar hunting local product di toko sehat wkwkwk..

  10. bagus warnanyanya han.. tp aku slalu takut pakai lipstick matte krn keringnya itu lhoo, ga nahann..

    1. Iya ya rin.. ada ga ya lipstik matte yang nda ngeringin bibir? *hopeful...

  11. aini sapa han? kamu angkatan piro seh? aku temene dito, dita, opo martha gt, aini sapa yo?
    ayo ayo meet up, brand lokal sing bgus buat aku cuma sariayu, caring, ltpro, sama inez, wkwk *kurang info*

    ce rini : iya ce sama, langsung pecah2 gt bibirku kalau pake lipstik matte

    1. nuraini rahayuningtyas, anak puri, tapi angkatanku atasmu setahun.. berarti kamu angkatan e yuni? hehehe.. aaa, ternyata kamu temene martha to? hehehe.. dunia emang sebesar daun kelor yeee.. hahaha.. ayooo, ntar kita makan ikan bakar di "beda rasa" daerah brawijaya.. ayo tukar no hp, biar bisa contact.. kirim email ae biar aman..emailku apa?

  12. Hi Han, dah aku reply pertanyaan mu ^^

    Btw, kamu cantik sekali ih!! love ur skin dear :)

  13. gorgeous color, looks nice on u dear^^
    sebenernya pengen pakai lipstik mattenya revlon lagi coz warnany cakep2, tapi bkin kering di bibir.
    btw nice review, I like ur flawless look.

    main2 k blogq juga ya^^


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