Face on face powder foundation review *Vanilla Beige
6:06 AM
Who wants to have a good powder with affordable price? Hands up! * Put my hand up*
Hehehe good news for us, i find one! It is Face on Face Two Way Cake from Rohto. I got this from a doorprize from Hadalabo event. Thank you, Rohto. *hugs*
It comes with this pink cartoon box. It says "improved with Hyaluronic Acid" and i was like "SWEET! It will compliment my Hadalabo skincare regime!! Cihuyy!"
And i was not wrong, tho. It is moisturizing and stays on the face *nempel banget*. It doesn`t break me out too. I love this even more after seeing the packaging. I think it is the best packaging ever for local drugstore powder foundation. It is pink, sturdy and hygienic. There are two-story. The upper one is for the powder, and below is the sponge.
First Story |
This is the look i did on Fresh Look post. Hehehe go read if you want to know how this look done step by step. * Monggo mampir, teman - teman :) * But well yeah, the camera doesn`t lie. I look so fresh, and i like it. I google this and it costs around 27000 rupiahs. So affordable! #SUKA SUKA SUKA!! Unfortunately this brand is hard to find. I try to find in hypermart, there isn`t any and not every cosmetic store carries the brand >.< Ah, too bad Pengampon (local make up stores in Surabaya) is too far from where i live. I hope Rohto will spread this brand to supermarket. I will be the first customer line up for sure!
+ Everything is perfecto, MY FAVORITE POWDER so far
- Hard to find >.<
Oh my.. Anybody knows how to find this in Surabaya? The brand carry great decoration product such as blush on and eyeshadows too. I really really want to try. If you do know, please help me......
Updated: If you want to know more about face on face as much as i do,
click their facebook page or twitter. The admin is nice ^^
kemasannya dari luar mirip sama Maybelline punya, tapi yg ni lebih cute..ada warna apa aja say?
Hmm lainnya kurang tau mut.. coz nie dapetnya gratisan. beneran deh hehehe..betull yg ini lebih cute
Deletefoto kamu itu gak pake concealer kah???
ReplyDeletesalam kenal ya btw^^
Pake, di bawah mata buat nutupin dark circle.. salam kenal juga.. sudah folback juga :)
DeleteKlo di Jogja produk face on face ada sih di toko kosmetik lokal, aku beli blusher pigmented bgt tp gag shimmery. Cari ahh klo ada TWCnya...
ReplyDeleteNice info and following you now too!!
Iyah, aku juga suka banget blush on nya deh :) Hehehehe..
Deletedi pengampon ada ya ce? aaaaaaah harganya seharga maybelline yang dulu buatku menderita *hiks*, tp since it's from rohto think it's worth a try! apalagi ada hyaluronic acidnya :p
ReplyDeletemestinya ada lin.. Coz surabaya kota besar.pasti ada lha.. iya ni formulae lebih ringan dipake daripada maybelline. suer dah.. hehehe..
Deletehanaaa.. km suka wrna ijo yaa? kamarnya full wrna ijo gt ^^
ReplyDeleteohh jd ini produknya rohto tohh,, yg blush on nya km suka jg itu kann? :D
wahhh concealernya d bwah mata doank, wajahmu mulus brrti yaaa >.<
bahkan modemnya warna hijau LOL , benar2 penggemar warna hijau.
Deletebtw mukanya mulus sekali ya :)
Iya suka :). Bahkan tokoku warnanya hijau, dan seragamnya juga. Jadi hampir tiap ari kemana mana pake baju hijau. Mungkin aku titisan siluman ular hijau kali ya *JK hahaha.. Ndak juga lho, mukaku emang jarang jerawatan, tapi banyak bercak bercak item hiks hiks..
Deletei knowwww!! ini yg dpt di acara hada labo kmrn XD XD. aku suka bgt blush nya
ReplyDeleteiyow ce , blush on e apik hehehe.. aku juga suka banget * tos sek!
Deleteitu packagingnya cute banget, warna pink XD uhh iya ce disini susah banget nyarinya, padahal aku ngincer pengen nyoba blushnya >_< buset dah di pengampon? jauh amaaaat -_-
ReplyDeletebtw, I tagged you disini ya ce ^^ -> http://www.adekumalaputri.com/2012/10/this-or-that.html
wah!! nice powder with a nice price..jarang jarang ya bo!
ReplyDeletehai hai cici elrica! wkwkw.. iya ce, jarang - jarang.. untung deh aku nemu wkwkw.. ce, saranmu tentang shading hidung kemaren udah kupraktekin. Mantap jek! NGARUH
Deletewaaah interested. pengen nyoba. semoga di hypermart ada :D
ReplyDeleteiya, dicoba gih :) semoga cocok di kamu juga.. salam kenal yaa