
Beauty Chica Research Giveaway

8:03 PM

How are you doing?
Sorry that i was not around for awhile for I have been busy in Semarang for my last debate competition. Anyhow, since my real life is kicking in now. It means T.H.E.S.I.S for me! Aih!!!
I am currently researching the topic of woman empowerment, just like how this blog is initiated. 
So, to support this research please help . help. help. me fill in the questionaire.

The giveaway is for Indonesian only.
and it will end this May. However, i will announce it around mid of June because i am going to be busy with business and thesis. Please understand :)

So what is going to be at stake?

There will be two winners, and you can choose which one you want, either Korean cosmetic or USA cosmetic. I do add some samples like from Skinfood and Nature Republic. I have a lot of those so don`t worry.

USA Brand:
elf eyestudio mascara
MUA Immaculate Eyeshadow Pallete
elf Shimmering powder in Sunkissed

Korean Brand:
Etude House Tear Drop Liner
Etude House Fresh Cherry Tint
Etude House BB Cream Cotton Fit/ CC Cream ( I will order as you choose)

To win those above please enter via rafflecopter here and please fill the questionaire honestly as it will mean so much to me

Thank you for supporting my research.

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  1. GFC : mitchellina metta
    email : mitchellinametta@gmail.com
    nasionality : indonesia

    i want to see more review and haul post :D

  2. Hi! joining! Okay, for the question: "What do you want to see more in this blog?" I'd like to see some themed make up tutorial, or maybe tips for a beginner in make up like me. And for review, I'd like to see good quality and affordable stuff to review. :D
    GFC name: Latifah Yulia
    email: lalalovesleep@gmail.com
    nationality: Indonesian

  3. hai kak. blognya cute. aku sukaaaa banget sama style namanya (lupa namanya -.-), BG nya lucu. blognya gk terlalu berat, review nya juga menarik. maju terus kak ^^

  4. GFC : Sari Marlia
    email : hotblue_ri2@yahoo.co.id
    nationality : Indonesian

    More tutorial, room tour, try to doing horror makeup, fairy makeup, or even Marilyn Manson look alike makeup.. :D :D

    Good luck for your thesis.. do your best and thank you for this giveaway :)

  5. i love a blog about cosmetic! hiihii well you may could add more tutorials.. emm you should introduce indonesian cosmetics, not only from other countries.. actually your blog is nice and pretty ^^
    GFC : Donna Resfina Ulfa
    email : donnaresfina_98@yahoo.com
    nationality : Indonesia

  6. Hi dear, thanks utk giveawaynya.
    Semoga lancar thesisnya ya

    GFC : kornelia luciana
    Email : kornelia.luciana@gmail.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    1. O ya untuk pertanyaan What do you want to see more in this blog?
      Aku pengen lebih banyak lihat tutorial makeup ^_^

  7. join
    gfc : anjarsari widyastuti
    email : anjarsariwidyastuti@yahoo.co.id
    nationality : indonesia

    i want to see tutorials and haul post
    thanks :)

  8. Hi joined yaaa kak :)) i like ur blog much you know why, cause i love ur template wkwk
    More tutorial n tips about beauty

    GFC Roro Hartinah Isyani
    Email rorohartinahisyani@yahoo.com
    Nasionaly Indonesia

    Wishme luck

  9. i love you're tutorial and review :D

    GFC : nurina adhalia
    email : nurinaadh@yahoo.com
    nationality : indonesia
    thanks :)

  10. Ayo Han bikin dandanan ala artis gitu :p Hihihi~

    GFC : Sabrina Tedjokusuma
    Email : sabrinatjo@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

    Good luck for our thesis and God bless you Ibu Peri~

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. GFC : Jessie
    Email : Jessie_2169@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    I'd love to see more makeup tutorial or tip,but more of focused one,like how to apply an eyelining style,shading,skincare tips,etc ^.^
    Thanks for the giveaway :D good luck for the thesis.

  14. GFC : Marsha Stefannie
    Email : mizz_marmoet18@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesian

    I want to see more product review, makeup tutorial, beauty tips n trick and also more giveaway :p hahah.

    gudluck for your thesis Hana . you can do it ! Gbu ^^

  15. GFC : Yenni Djap
    email : black_14december@yahoo.com
    nationality : Indonesia

    i would love to see your tutorial on youtube so i can learn it while you explain. good luck for the thesis. actually i'm doing one too, hope we can graduate together ^^

  16. GFC: Nur Jayanti
    E-mail: n03r.belo@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia
    "what i want more to see from your blog is make-up & skin care review from local & international brand .Thank you & good luck for your thesis :)"

    1. aku ga bisa pasang banner nih d blogku, error mulu. tp postingan tentang giveaway ini udah aku bikin.

  17. hii dearr!!! aku pengen lebih bnyk lagi skincare, haul, dan tutorial make up ^^

    GFC : Ovit
    email : nvtasw@ymail.com
    nationality : indonesia

    wishmeluckdear ^^

  18. email: puput.akad@gmail.com
    nationality: indonesia

    i love your product review because it's detail and understandable. i hope you review more local products in future.
    goodluck for your thesis ;)

  19. JOIN! :D
    GFC : rabbayani
    email: mikabening@gmail.com
    nationality : I'd love to see your haul and more makeup tutorial! terutama, ajarin pake skoth mata dong, masih bingung makenya...
    Sukses skripsinya yaaa.. :D
    thankyou for your giveaway >.<

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. GFC : Ika Lyta
    email : ikalytaa@gmail.com
    nasionality : indonesia

    I want to see more tutorial, haul and more tips about skincare :D

    Thank you and good luck for your Thesis ^^

    email : cindyhonggo@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

  23. Hana, sukses ya thesisnya ^^ thanks juga buat giveawaynya
    GFC : Reezki Rizki
    email : rizki_savitri@ymail.com
    nationality : Indonesia
    Pengen liat lebih banyak FOTD sama tutorial dong, trus please tingkatkan kualitas foto yaaa <3

  24. Please more tutorial not only ullzzang look ^^, high resolution for photos and skin care review & tips for sensitive & oily combination skin ><

    GFC: Kyrie Keka
    Email: kyrie.ka@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia

    Thanks and success for your thesis ya dear...

  25. aku suka sih sama blog cc , simple , enak di liat . mungkin di tambahin lagi review sama tutorialnya xD

    GFC : catherine wijaya
    email : cath.nana30@yahoo.com
    nationally : indonesia


  26. tutorial artist2 kpop han.. tutorial,i bagus...hwaaaa..
    tp agak kurang cz fotonya agak menguning gitu >,< hhehee

    GFC : Dewie Aprillia
    email : dewieaprillia@rocketmail.com
    Nationally : Indonesia

    1. btw sukses yah buat skripsinyaaa..yeaiiii bentar lg jadi sarjana :*

  27. HI ci Hana :)
    Thanks for this lovely Giveaway ^^ .

    GFC : Mariani Lo
    Email : ttinq@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    Suka sama blog cici sih rapi n enak di liat :)
    I want to read more about review and hauls ^^

    Wish me luck


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. GFC : Astri Zaini
    e-mail : astri.zaini@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    Pengen liat lebih banyak tutorial, tips and trik bermake up (terutama bagian mata), sama tiap bulan belanja apaan sih alias HAUL

  30. I think more reviews and tutorials will be better

    GFC : Happy Okta
    email : de_pyta@ymail.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

  31. gfc: tantisetyo
    email : tini_wae@yahoo.com
    nationality : Indonesia

    banyakin review & tutorialnya, trus kasih tips n trik tampil cantik dg budget minim :D

    sukses buat skripsinya

  32. Make up tutorial please :)
    GFC: Shasha
    Email: laurensianatasha (at) gmail (dot) com
    Nationality: Indonesia

  33. GFC: Muttia Rizki
    Email: muttiarizki@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia
    tambahin makeup tutorial sama selipan2 daily life, nyenengin banget kalo tau keseharian orang yang punya blog :D

  34. GFC name: Kawaii Ryn
    Email: tothebeautyus@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesian

    More themed make up tutorial (like kpop artist,american, or dolly look hehehe^^) Penataan blog udh rapi& cute, the best ^^

    Thanks for the giveaway~

  35. hai hai, i joined you giveaway dear ^^

    saran dong say, banyakin make up tutorial dong and yg pasti nya banyakin haul nya ya :)

    thank you~

    GFC name : Vinesa Okawestri
    Email: edward.haruhi@gmail.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

  36. join ya..
    GFC : Stevanie Quinn
    email : stevaniie@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    wish me luck :*

  37. Hai Sista,,joined your research giveaway :-)

    GFC: Putri Ehara
    Email: noor.ehara@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia

    I want to see more tutorial about eyes makeup, specialy about eyeliner!

  38. What do you want to see more in this blog? : more skincare review and make up tutorialnya say,,,
    GFC name : Elina
    email : elinamoe@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

  39. Gfc : babalisme
    Email : babalisme at yahoo dot com
    Nationality : Indonesian

    I'd like to see more step by step or video tutorial, both skincare ritual and make up. Along with before and after pic!

  40. I's like to see outfits! :)
    GFC: Sofia Gni
    email: sg.9319@yahoo.com
    nationality: Greek

  41. Hai, dear.. What do you want to see more in this blog?
    Review sih udah banyak, Tutorial Make Up dan Tips or Trick Make Up donk :D

    GFC name : Rifka Giovani
    email : Survive.ingod@gmail.com
    nationality: an Indonesian

    by: buleipotan.blogspot.com

  42. GFC : Atanasia Tika
    nationality : Indonesi
    i want to see more make up style for asian, your eyes very "asian-eye" :D

  43. GFC : Florensia Garner
    email : florensia.garner@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

    Buat lebih banyak makeup tutorial kak, suka bacanya :D

  44. gfc : sonia salim
    email : sonia.salim26@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia :D

    aku pngen liat tips" make up, tutorial make up kalo bisa si yang gyaru atau ulzzang hihi. review sih udah banyak. tapi kalo bisa ditambah lagi yah, btw I love your header ><
    salam kenal juga yaaa^^

  45. Name : Erna Wijaya
    Email : house.schoonheid@gmail.com
    Nationality : Indonesia ^^
    I want to see makeup tutorial and more beauty review!

    Good luck buat skripsweetnya :3

  46. GFC name : Aulia Dita
    email : audita.90@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia
    Aku pingin liat tutorial cara make up yang natural dan cantik ^^


  47. I want more review products and tutorial that fast to finish (like 5 minutes everyday make up tutorial for example)
    Thx for this great giveaway, hope cna win and review the products at my blog (will mention your blog too ^^)
    SUCCESS for your thesis!: D
    GFC name: The Beauty& Pocket
    email : stella_merylymail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

  48. I want to see more FOTD & hair style tutorial, some simple & useful beauty tips, and also affordable beauty products review (comparison with same product but different brand is better)... :)

    GFC name: Glory Chen
    Email: gloryychen@yahoo.com
    Nationality: Indonesian

  49. What do you want to see more in this blog?
    I want to more of local product's review coz most of the ppls in Indonesia use it. so better if u're give them (local products) supports ;p
    GFC:erma riestiana
    email: vomo2005@gmail.com
    nationality : indonesian

  50. review produk lokal dibanyakin, sama giveaway tentu aja :D

    GFC : Aldila Kun Condroweni
    e-mail : nymphadila_tonks@yahoo.com
    I'm Indonesian :)

  51. GFC name : erline
    Email : theodore_tse@yahoo.com
    nationality : indonesia

    i wanna see more about tutorial, review and tips^^ or can add some about Do It Yourself maybe? ^^

  52. GFC name : Vinny Delta
    email : vinnyvidivici27@hotmail.com
    nationality : indonesia

    lebih banyak tutorial dan review kosmetik yang terjangkau harganya :)

  53. GFC name: GitaFelinda
    email: gitafelinda@gmail.com
    nationality: Indonesia

    Saranku lebih banyak kasih review tutorial make-up yang pas dengan kulit orang indonesia.
    Kasih tutorial step by step
    Sekali-kali pake bahasa aja jgn trus-trusan english.
    Review produk Indonesia(proud to be Indonesian).
    Make upnya yang natural lebih diperbanyak, kalo bisa ganti modelnya jadi ada yg buat chubby face, tirus, dark skin atau untuk white skin.
    bikin video di Youtube rutin biar eksis :p.
    Dan yang penting bangett buatlah make-up challenge untuk calon beauty blogger yang level "pemula" seperti saya supaya kami bisa lebih berkembang.
    Maaf yah kalo kebanyakan.. :p

  54. GFC: Ellen Tjondro
    email: ellen.tjondro@gmail.com
    nationality: Indonesia

    more makeup tutorial :)

    Thank you

  55. GFC name: Rahayu Eka Putri
    Email: rahayuekaputri90@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia
    Tambahin tutorial make up nya sis.. tapi lebih enak kalau fotonya step by step, biar lebih bisa ngikutinnya. Fotonya sis lebih jernih lagi kualitasnya, biar makin enak baca2 semua postingannya.

  56. 김가을

    I'd like to see more makeup tutorials!!

  57. GFC : Riyanti Teressa
    email : elentarisilivern@gmail.com
    Nationality : Indonesian

    What do i want to see more in this
    blog? USA & UK products review, FOTD, more high quality photo..

    Thank you dear...
    Good luck for your thesis

    Please kinda visit my blog

  58. GFC : yasmin nazhifah
    email: nazhifahyasmin@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia

    i want to see more eye makeup and review :)

  59. Hai hana... keren banget judul thesisnya (bikin tujleb-tujleb lemak-lemak di tubuhku )
    memang yeee, mau punya badan kaya miranda kerr tapi gak mau usaha utk jaga makan sama olahraga (ITU GUEH !! hahahaha)

    Anyway goodluck buat thesisnya... berdoa yang kenceng, jangan pantang menyerah, up and down emosi , biar mood nya tetep terjaga :)) Semoga dimudahkan Thesis dan cepet wisuda yaa (weee, malah nyerocos aja nih gueh :p )

    Okre, for the question what do you want to see more in beauty chica adalah.... Review produk lokal yang lebih banyak say

    maklum, daku ini suka males untuk ikutan PO, tapi terlalu pelit buat beli di konter :D #dilema beauty blogger kelas menengah ngehe :D

    My GFC : astri sulaika
    email : astri(dot)sulaika(at)yahoo(dot)com
    Nationality : Indonesia

  60. make up tutorial please♥
    GFC: Meylin Wiratama
    email: amey_wiratama@yahoo.com
    nationality: indonesia

  61. make up or skin care tutorial please
    reviewnya udah bagus bagus kakak

  62. joined :)

    GFC: Villia Montana
    email: vimona_24@axis.blackberry.com/ Villiamontana@gmail.com
    Nationality: indonesian

    What do you want to see more in this blog?
    - Make up tutorial (untuk buat pipi tirus, dsb), post" untuk produk produk good quality but affdorable, tips tips yang bermanfaat seputar makeup

  63. gfc: gina nurfitriani
    email: gnafreedom@yahoo.com
    nationality: indonesia

    make up review karena saya krg tau ttg produk" make up,, jadi saya tau produk apa yg akan saya beli dan cocok untuk diri saya,, make up tutorial dan seputar tips ttg make up,, akhir" ini saya jatuh cinta ttg make up,, tetapi pengetahuian saya sangat sedikit,, untuk memenuhi keingin tahuan saya blog" seperti ini salah satu cara yg tepat

  64. I wanna see DIY ^^
    gfc :. dina chen
    email :. cheniwenci@gmail.com
    nationality :. indonesia
    thanks to an awesome giveaway c:

  65. More makeup tutorial ce ^^

    GFC name: Lalaa
    email: lala_odob@yahoo.com
    nationality: Indonesia

    And thanks for the lovely giveaway <3

  66. Apa aja boleehh~~ honestly, aku lebih tertarik sama daily life. *kepo*.
    Abis kamu lucu sih. :3

    GFC: Cella
    email: cellaroberta@yahoo.com
    nationality: Indonesia

  67. Reviews, Haul, Tutorials.

    GFC: beautifyiu
    G+: Nella P
    email: beautifyiublog@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesia <3

  68. GFC: Angel Rin
    email: deximoy@gmail.com
    nationality: Indonesia

    Pertama-tama mau ngasih semangat dulu nih buat thesisnya... Soalnya lagi ngerjain si thesis juga :)
    Cursor mustache-nya cute sekaliii >.<
    Ah yah, sampe kelupaan... I want to see more eyes makeup tutorial, mulai dari yang natural sampe yang glamour, hehe... Dan review-nya udah mantep sekali, dikasih list dan di kasih kelompok dengan rapi jadi gampang buat nyari produk yg mau dilihat...
    Sekali lagi, goodluck buat thesis-nya :D

  69. GFC name : Oh!KRIStilia
    email : ichigo.kawai11@gmail.com
    nationality : Indonesia
    I want to see more review both make up and skincare, make up tutorial and tips.

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. I think this cream may work in my skin type.private salon

  72. GFC: Winda
    Email: wind.atree@yahoo.com
    Nationality: Indoneia

    more review and FOTD :)
    semangat ya buat thesis nya ...

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. GFC : Vania Hendra Gunawan
    Email : vaniia_x3_slab09@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    I love your product review ^^
    good luck for your thesis sist :D

  75. GFC : Ery Wicaksana
    Email : Erywicaksana@gmail.com
    Nationality : indonesia

    suka sama review produk-produknya
    banyakin tutorial make up dong.

    thanks :)

  76. Hai han, aku dagh Buat BLOg Post buat GA kamu lho XD :

    Baca yah, moga suka, and semangat ama Thesisnya !!!!

    yihhaaa ^^

  77. thika
    Review produk lokal lagi donk say heheh
    dan juga tutorialnya hehe :P

  78. This comment has been removed by the author.

  79. GFC : Siska Chandra
    email : siskachandra.skc@gmail.com
    nasionality : indonesia

    hmm.. tips n trick make up sama review2 make upnya :)
    btw, goodluck buat tesisnya yah :)aku juga lagi tugas akhir nih.. smangaaaat!!!

  80. My GFC : Uniek Kaswarganti
    email : uniek_s@yahoo.com
    Nationality : Indonesia

    aku kurang begitu paham dengan dunia perkosmetikan, so thks utk share2nya di blog ini.

    sukses untuk thesisnya yaaa... GBU

  81. i want to see more giveaways <3 lol

  82. GFC: Yukari
    email: rika.nathania@gmail.com
    Nationality: Indonesian

    Thank you for this giveaway <3
    I want to see more makeup tutorials :)

    Btw, I've made a giveaway on my blog. I'll be very happy if you can join too <3

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. GFC: nungggg
    email: jenunk29@yahoo.co.id
    nationality: Indonesian

    reviewnya ngebantu bangeet, apalagi aku itu gak pernah dandan dan jarang beli makeup or skin care jadinya ngebantu banget reviewnyaa :)
    kalo bisa dapet giveaway nya ngebantu banget nih buat belajar makeup hihi *maklum anak kost*

  85. GFC: miarsi ningsih
    Email: miarsiku at gmail dot com
    Nationality: Indonesia
    i want to see more make up review n FOTD
    Thank you dear:)


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