
Make Over Haul

10:23 AM

This February i bought more make up to be added to my collection :). Well, many make up counter is having sales, and i got hong baos as well. Hahaha so i splurge some of it on make up that i want.

Make over Haul

My new babies!! Welcome home! hahaha.

They are from MAKE OVER brand. I snatched their Translucent Powder in 01 – Porcelain, Ultra Shine Lipstick in Brunet Pink, Blush on in Iridescent Pink and lastly powder foundation in Rosy

You might think that this brand is an international brand like MAC or Make up forever. But no, FYI, this brand is LOCAL, Indonesian – made make up.

Eventhough local, this make up is not considerably cheap and their quality is amazing! I like! Make over is a high end and professional line of Wardah. Just like how La tulipe has La tulipe Pro and Sariayu has PAC.

I promise you this month i am going to review ALL of them, one by one! So, STAY TUNE on my blog :)



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  1. Huaa. Belom kesampean mau cobain produknya make over.


  2. Aku punya hydrating serum nya.. Minat countour kit nya.. Tp sayangnya dia dlm 1pan, akhirnya aku beralih hati ke LTpro.. Dtggu review2 nya yaaa :) :)

  3. Huaaaa mupeng mau koleksi jugaaa hahaha
    Great haul Hana ^_^

  4. *mupeng *_*


  5. eh wardah "adik"nya make over ya? baru tau aku hehe
    belum kesampean mau coba produk2 make over, ditunggu reviewnya ^^


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