Kose Suncut UV Protect Essence SPF 50 review
3:12 PM
Hello! It is freaking hot here in Taipei. The sun shines full force and the day is kinda long here. Even 5pm feels like 2pm! Kose suncut UV protect essence spf 50 is my current sunscreen. I use it almost everyday and it travels with me, just in case I need some additional sunscreen power. Kose suncut UV essence works, but not my favorite. Kose suncut UV tends to be greasy. Too greasy for the face. Once a while I will put it on my face and I notice that my make up turns out patchy and uneven because the grease around the T zone is way too much. Although it gives more dewy look, you know.. Like that laminated face we see in Korean mags, but still it is not my cup of tea. I prefer Biore perfect face milk for the face, which I will be reviewing next week #finger crossed..

Kose suncut UV essence is yellowish, with minimum scent. The scent is there but it is not that strong to get noticed. I would say it is not moisturizing. In addition to being greasy, it does not sink. The essence is just kinda sitting there, creating thin flimsy layer on my skin.

You will like this if you just want heavy duty sunscreen #spf50 with affordable price. I got this for around 200 NT and it goes along the way. Have this since two months ago and I am not halfway through the tube yet.
Rating 3/5
Would I repurchase? No
Would I repurchase? No