
MUA Extreme Felt Liner Review

12:57 PM

I am longing for a great pen liquid eyeliner. I personally want to try Dollywink, but it is too expensive to be used daily. That is why i am in search for more affordable one. I have my try on Maybelline Hypersharp but got myself dissappointed. This time, i go for MUA Extreme Felt Liner.

Price: 100.000 rupiahs/ $10
Where to get: Local online store
Amount : 1, 2 ml

It comes in pen form, very sleek, and looking professional with black colored packaging and silver font. The cap is tight and it fits perfectly on my purse. Just great to bring around.

MUA Extreme Felt Liner comes with a marker - like tip that eases the application. For my monolid eyes, the felt tip is too big and i can not draw a precise thin line. The felt tip feels wiggly for application so it does not count as my favorite.

The formula is not impressive. The finish is matte, but greyish. When applied it will not look hoarse on the eye line, so for you who like natural finish, you might like it. For me, i ussually opt for more jet black color, so again this MUA does not make it to my favorite list.

 I did a waterproof and smudgeproof test for ya!

Freshly applied and smudge it three times. It did not budge 

Pour water and just let it sit. It did not budge too

I swiped the water away, and you see? The color was melted away >.< and almost disappear in this next picture. The liner melted and left behind black stain that made a very bad panda eyes. Ugh!

What i like:
- Sleek packaging
- Matte finish

What i dislike:
- Greyish color
- Non smudgeproof
- Non waterproof
- Vulnerable to panda eyes
- Small amount of product, only 1,2 ml
- Expensive >.<

Rate 3/5

See ya, chicas!

- Hana -

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  1. I want to try Dolly Wink liner too but it's expensive. Too bad this is not waterproof. It's really hard to find a good liner these days. D:
    thanks for the review :)

    1. Yeag, chee z i could not agree more to that. Hopefully we both a great pen liner with a good price soon. hehehe


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