
Make Over Perfect Cover Two Way Cake Review

5:23 PM

As i have promised, i am coming back with a review on Make over product. You guys must have waited for it soooo long! hahaha sorry girls, life has been getting in a way

make over perfect cover

Description from makeoverforall.com

The supreme combination of foundation and powder that blends beautifully with your skin tone, creating luxuriously smooth and soft makeup also maintaining fresh-looking flawless skin. Its ultra-fine particles helps absorb excess oil, blur imperfections and cover every inch of skin perfectly while feels like not wearing any makeup. Moreover, its water-insoluble formula helps maintain skin moistness and prevent skin dehydration. With no touch up needed, this long lasting two way cake will be your best anywhere anytime 'partner in crime'.

 make over twoway cake 

There are three shades available, and mine is in coral. Overall the compact holds around 14 grams of powder, retailed on 139.000 IDR. Quite pricey if compared to maybelline`s. But compared to the quality, i think it is quite worth it.

make over

Packaging wise, i like it! Though boring, it looks professional. The compact shut tight, and it does not feel cheap at all.

makeover pwder2

Hygienic :) Similar with my old Revlon new complexion powder foundation

makeover powder2

Coral is a beige with pink undertone. It looks very nice on my yellow undertone skin because it is somehow able to make my skin look brighter.


I like this so much because the powder is finely milled. Adhere well to my skin. Though oil control is average around 2 – 3 hours, but i like the finishing. Not very matte yet not too dewy. It doesn`t have any weird smell at all and comfortable to wear. If you have mild acne scars, this powder will help them to cover but you are going to need some concealer to cover your dark under eye circle.


Flawless coverage, though sometimes the powder settled on my fine lines during hot days. Oh yeah, It also transfered a lot! Get ready to see powder blotches on your phone, tissue and anything that touches your face.


Overall i quite like this powder! 4 stars out of five. I recommend this for you who had combination to oily skin, and if you like something practical to take on your traveling purse. I personally like how it adheres well, give enough coverage while feels so lightweight on my skin. 



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  1. haii .. coverage nya bagus ya ..
    lumayan nih buat daily look ..
    nice review


    1. iya lumayan kok.. bisa pake ini aja ga usa pake bb cream lg :) thank u for visiting

  2. Make over rata2 bagus2,pernah nyoba liquid foundationnya jg bagus,nempel ga gumpal...bener2 recommended bgt.
    Salam kenal yaa....blognya udah ku follow

    1. salam kenal jg.. aku folbek ya... blogmu apa say? hehehe

  3. ini warna tonenya agak kuning gak? aku kok pakai loose powder makeover itu yellow bgt ya jd suka gak nyatu sm bb cream atau fondi

    1. ini warna tonenya agak pink say.. Iya aku punya loose powder make over dan yellow banget. Di aku jadinya kusam dan tebel >.< Akhirnya aku campur sama bedak marcks yang 8000 an jatuhnya cocok dan jadi bagus :)

  4. I love the shimmer under your eye! So cute!



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