
I am what I am international cultural art show

1:02 AM

We never know what life has to offer. It is full of surprises. One of them, i got it around two weeks ago. My former lecturer, Jie Karin offered me to accompany her and “worked” as make up artist.

The international cultural art show, I am what I am was held in 11 – 12 July at Ciputra Hall. I got to lived in Ciputra Villa for 2 days with the dancers, got a wonderful dinner with them, and becoming friends .



The performers :). Kenneth Greve was the important dancer for Denmark palace and he was such a cool friend. Kimberly Trees from Australia (her website here) was so talented and cheerful. Before i left her, she gave me a Benefit eyeshadow pallete >.< AAAA.. LUCKYYYY! I will cherish it forever, Kim! #hug u


I wish i could post more pictures, really. But my phone and my camera battery was really low then. Stupid me, i did not bring my chargers. Can you believe? I did not forget my curling thongs, eyeshadows, blush ons and even the bobby pins, but i forgot my charger!! #cryinthecorner.

So yeah, i have only few pictures >.< The producer, Ongkel Yongki kindly gave me VVIP seat. Right in front of the stage, but i could only busy OOOHH AAAHH during the wonderful performances. My camera is bad in capturing moving scenes anyway. Let it be laaa.. Let the memories stay forever in my mind.


Bad or not? I know it is bad #shrugged.

IMG_0810_副本  This is Ongkel Jongki, Indonesian born art genious who studied in German. I really appreciate his work in international artistry. Read his short story in Jawa Pos here. All in all, i am so grateful for the chance. Thank you Jie Karin and Ongkel :). We, Indonesians, must open our eyes more towards art and cultures. They are too beautiful to be missed, to precious to be lost.

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  1. you look elegant with that black dress !!
    is that black swan ?
    she is so pretty !
    did you do her makeup ?



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