
Hair Care: Sunsilk Damage Hair Treatment Serum Review

8:04 AM

Hi girls, how are you? I hope you are doing great. Today i am going to share a quick review about this hair serum from Sunsilk :). Mine is almost gone now because i use it almost everyday (if i dont forget to use this ) hehehe. 

What do i like about this?
+ Affordable, hehehe only 27000 rupiahs or about $3
+ Last a long time, mine can last 6 months.
+ Makes my hair smooth almost instantly, very nice if you have big and puffy hair that needed to be tame down.
+ Work best if you use conditioner and only put this on the ends of your hair strand. Don`t do scalp, it makes your hair volume - less, and greasy >.<

What do i hate about this?
- In a long run, it makes my hair a lil bit dry
-  Strong smell >.<

Repurchase? Maybe

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