
Etude House Beauty Class

12:11 AM

Elloww, chicas!
Etude House Beauty Class Report is here!
It was held last Saturday, 8 December `12 at Jayanata 

Oh well, just right, that day my cousin ce Nike was having a wedding reception at Sheraton Ballroom.
All families are coming, of course. So was my auntie here from Jakarta.
She came faraway and she asked me to find freelance make up artist.
No one was available so she asked me to do her and my Oma`s make up
Gyaaa, of course i was not confidence, leh!
I said to her to hire me at her own cost!
Hahaha means if i failed or anything, just accept it mah.. 
But it turned out okay, my aunt requested to do this and that.
So finally the look was turned out okay! *FIUHHHH...

Me and my beautiful aunt
So, as my aunt and my Oma`s make up were done, they left me at the hotel room.
And i had a fun time watching TV cable hehehe *naughty girl
When the clock striked at 1 o`clock, 
i packed up my thing and headed here, the most waited beauty class!
I met my beautiful friends there like Sabrina, Shasha, Lina, Yozellyn, Yessy, Ci Yos, Caroline and many more..

So, first of all we used the beauty cape and hair band. I was sitting together with Olin, Zellyn, Lina and Sabrina

My pretty ladies

On the table, there were beauty stuff that we can use for our make up. But yeah, they were not complete and some were in bad condition. Moreover we needed to share with 7 of us who sat in the same table. Oh well, thank God Ci Lina brought her Naked 2 pallete that she kindly shared. Holy cowww.. Naked 2 for shared? Yeah, you read it right! wkwkw.
Luckily, i brought along the make up stuff that i used earlier in the day 
We shared that together, so there could be enough stuff for us to play with.
We totally had our fun trying out Naked Pallete n Shu Uemura Pallete, moreover the beauty class ran smoother for us.

Following the instructor from the stage above, we started our Korean Natural Make up Journey.
Here i would try to explain to you step by step..

1. Clean all the make up with Etude House Mascara Remover Eye shot Clean. The remover works well, but it was so oily >.<. Gladly Sabrina shared her beauty wipes with us.
2. Tone your face with Skin Malgeum. 
3. Moisturize your face using emulsion, here we used AC Clinic Emulsion
4. Put BB cream all over your face, concentrating on the middle area. Too bad that the shade i used was 2 shades darker than my actual shade. Result? Hehehe hello dull skin!
If you like matte finish, you can apply powder, but use sparingly so it won`t crack.

5. Move on to the eye make up. The most important thing is brow because it frames our face. Korean brow is surprisingly thick. Omoo, when the trainer applied to me, i felt like i have Shincan eyebrow *sorry, miss trainer*. After a while i get used to the thick eyebrow though. Here we use eyebrow cake.
6. For the eyeshadows, you are going to need three colors. Base color, medium color and accent color. We put base color, ussually pale color all over the lid. Then put medium color over it, creating nice gradation. The accent color are applied on 1/3 of the outer lid only.
7. Then apply eyeliner. The trainer suggests us to use pencil eyeliner first, and then liquid eyeliner to create opaque black. Don`t forget to put mascara afterwards.
8. Lastly we use Dear My Blooming Lips Talk for lip, concentrating on the middle area and blend it outwards for a gradation lip.

Here we go, the result! Left are my pics when i did make up for my aunt in the morning. Whereas right is my make up after Etude beauty class in the afternoon.

I enjoyed the beauty class a lot. Got beauty tricks and got to meet my beloved blogger friends!
Meeting them are always fun. 
I always say,
Let`s do it again!


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  1. so cool.. i would like to go there :D

    1. yaaa, u should hehehe i wish u lived here, anya :)

  2. aunt mu cantik yah, ga mirip kek tante2 malah 0__0
    btw kirain tuh wajah napa coklat2 gitu, ternyata salah pake shade toh ahahha XD

    1. hahaha iya, shadenya ga ada pilihan.. apa daya hehehe.. iya tanteku cantik tuh, padahal sudah akhir 40 an :) awet muda emang keluargaku, cewek2nya baby face semua hehehe


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