
Make Over blush on in Iridescent Pink Review

1:58 PM

Thank you thank you everyone who has commented in my last haul post!

I bet you all excited to read my rave about Make Over make up :) For starter, lets talk about the blush on first!

Price: around 75.000 rupiahs

Amount: 6g

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Description from Make Over website:

Radiate your inner beauty with a little bit help from this single blush on. Lightweight, silky smooth and long lasting. Choose the color vibe, blush your cheek and create naturally healthy look. Works on all skin type.

Available in 8 colors : #01 Pink Fantasist, #02 Iredescent Pink, #03 Promiscious Peach, #04 Royal Espresso, #05 Brown Strada, #06 Caribbean Sunset, #07 Scarlet Sheen, #08 Cruise Coral

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As for the packaging, it is very sturdy and i like how it looks professional with black color :). The mirror is also very clear!

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It is a very light baby pink that is not overly pigmented. Very foolproof! No matter how many times i swap this on my cheek, it looks natural.

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It gives me natural flush. Doesnt show up in picture, but in real life, this is the kind of color that i have always wanted! Similar to Illamasqua Katie or The Balm Down Boy Blush.

Do you know the feeling when the blush on seems to be to thick, too red, or too noticable eventhough you just want to have that baby pink light flush?

Yes… yes.. that is what i mean :P

This blush will give you that barely noticable cute light pink flush

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makeover blush on

Beauty Chica`s review ..

+ Love the light baby pink flush

+ Smells nice

+ Not powdery and long lasting

+ Buttery texture

+ Professional packaging

+ Available locally with affordable price

- Does not really show up on picture unless you give a cream blush base underneath

Recommended for a fair skinned lady and recommended for a natural flushed look :)

Rating 4.5/5

Love, Hana

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  1. ih gila, ini racun di FD lancar bangeeeettttt hahaha
    penghen sih nyobain, tapi sayang masih bnayak blush on nangur di tempat mekap haahha

  2. cakep warnanya na~ soft2 pink gitu ^^


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