
Review: Maybelline Lipbalm in Mandarin and Strawberry

12:26 AM

Hi everyone :) How are you? This week i have been very tired and overwhelmed. Now i try my best to cope. If you do feel the same way, please overcome, don't give up.. FIGHTING! 

To ease my mind, today i want to share a happy thing with you. I want to share my new - found HG lipbalm to you all. Hehehe.. It is Maybelline Lipbalm. I got it in two shades, Mandarin and Strawberry.

One swipe is enough for a sheer color on the lip. No pale! Hehehe. 

I used it everyday, and i feel that my lips become softer :).. Hehehe.. Nice mah, but i never use this alone, i use this with my etude color me nude  concelear. If you want to see, you can see my pink and purple tutorial. That was the result :). Glossy, moisturizing, but not sticky at all . Pretty to the max!

The price is affordable, only 22.000 IDR or about 2.5 SGD. Moreover it is available locally. I love it! Totally gonna repurchase :)

Pretty colors!
Available locally

Nothing that i can think of :)

Rating : 5/5

Heart <3

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  1. wah kmrn pengen beli iniii..tapi keingat lipbalm msh numpuk~~
    suka yg mandarin..<3
    btw,...SGD? tinggal di singapur kah?^_^

  2. i like the pink colour...
    very natural colour~


  3. @severus love: aa, ndak lha, aku anak sby kok.. cuman aku kerja di perusahaan singapore, apa2 diconvert SGD, jadi kebiasaan akhirnya hehehehe

    @yevi: iya, bagus lhoo :)

  4. akhirnya nemu review lipbalm mandarin *happy*

    pengen beli tapi maju-mundur ..
    ini yg ada SPFnya kan?

    kapan hari liat entah dimana cuma 18rb :p



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