
LIOLE Make up class

12:30 AM

Hi everyone... this will be super late post, but i have no choice but posting it now due to my health hehehehe. Last month i went to LIOELE make up class in Shangrila Hotel Surabaya along with my fellow blogger friends, Shasha, Shelley, Yennyca, and many more. It was a fun experience for me, and i got this super skincare that i like, Aroma Soft Peeling Gel (review will come soon)

They have a lot of make up collection and they are sooo pretty.. WOOOWW....

This is the model Daisy who get a make over from Lioele, we got to watch her transformation for about two hours while sometimes swatching products. It would be MORE MORE better if we can do real make up class, like really applying stuff unto our face and get to know how to make a korean make up. 

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  1. omg. all make up products and brushes are so nice *_* your make up looks very beautiful and you, too :)) your blog is very interesting. follow?


    1. hi thi :) thank u for dropping by.. lets follow each other :)

  2. hi hana salam kenal :) tak kira ini di Jakarta hehe.. ud pengen ikutan aja. Lho make up classnya ga diajarin langsung hands-on ya...

    1. hai kak mukti :).. hehehe, nggak jadi cuman kayak dateng demo make up aja.. quite disappointing seh sebenere.. tapi gapapa lha dinikmati aja, itung - itung ketemu sesama blogger hehehe


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