
Review: Etude House Rosy Tint Lips in Sweet Poison #4

12:49 PM

Yay! I am back again!

It has been such a long time..

I miss you dear readers, thank you for keeping up with me :)

Today i am going to do a review on Etude House Rosy tint lips from last season

rosy tint1

See? It has so many colors to choose from. Mine is number 4, the strawberry pink color name sweet poison

The description said it has rich color and velvety finish. You can use it as a gradation lip color, blush on, eyeshadow and even full lip color.Yay! Such a multifunction product!

rosy tint lips

This is the fella

rosy tint 4

rosy tint3

Packaging? Check! Etude always comes in excellence when we talk about the packaging. I love how they design the box with flowers.Even until now i keep the product inside the box and use it too prettify my dressing table


The applicator is sponge and i like it because i can actually dab dab the product just like how we supposed to use a tint. The only complaint i have is how hard the tube is. It is so hard to press and to get the tint out from the tube >.<


Some swatches and FOTD ;)


As i can feel, the formula can be a bit drying, sink to dry patches so u must wear lipbalm beforehand. The color is very pigmented. It might scare u at first, so please be sure to just dab the product and have your lip concealer next to u

half lips_副本1

Okay, this one is… gradient lips :)

rosy full

And this one is full lips! Gonjreng banget :)

Beauty Chica`s Review

+ Cute box though not so cute tube

- The tube is hard to press

+ I love the sponge applicator

+ Affordable around 78000 rupiahs

+ VERY rich pigment

+ Multifunction, it can be for lip, blush and eyes

- Somehow dried out my lips

+ Unscented

Rating: 3/5

That is all for today!
Ciao, Have a nice day everyone!

- Hana -

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  1. hanaaa.. skrg jrg muncul yaa dirimu >_< kangen lho.. hahaha
    nice review ^_^

    1. Cell phieee i miss u too :) hehehe iya ni, akhir akhir ini agak sibuk #alesan hahaha

  2. Aku pingin banget lip tint/cream satu ni, tp blm beli2 juga .. Mesti thru olshop sih, gak ada dikotaku hmmm :(


    1. Ho oh.. ini kalau beli di Etude counter aslinya juga agak mahal sih

  3. aku punya yang no 5, dan warnanya kayaknya sama ya kekeke

    1. Iyaaa.. kayaknya yang ini lebih tua dikit


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