
Armando Caruso Brush Review (Sponsored)

8:33 AM

Ellow Ladies!
Looking for good quality brushes?
C360_2014-04-27-09-28-11-062_副本Today i want to introduce Armando Caruso brand to you. Armando Caruso offers a large collection of quality beauty care accessories to enhance our appearance with the best quality we can trust. So happy that i got to try six of their brushes #EXCITED!
My first impression was, “ Whooooaaa, so soft” And my eyes went bling bling because i got full set. Eyebrushes, foundation brush, concealer brush and powder brush.
Let`s see it one by one then..
This is foundation brush and concealer brush. 2 in 1. The price is 79500, but since we got two functions. It is totally worth it!
The bristles are suppa dense. I find it better if i use tap tap motion to blend my bb cream or foundation rather than dragging it on the skin.
This is the concealer end. I find the brush for concealer is softer than the one for foundation. Well, maybe just my feeling. hehe. I like to use this for applying concealer around the nose area. For under eye concealer, i still prefer to use my fingers.
My eyes type is monolid and they are soooo small. That is why i am so lucky that i got Small Blending Brush in the package. Thank you Ayou Beauty! Such an understanding sponsor! #hug. The performance for this brush is awesome! I like it for creating an  outer V, or softening the harsh lines. This brush seems like it is made especially for me.
Next up! Smudger Brush for Blending Eyeshadow.
The brush is fluffy but dense. Do a good job, but sadly when i open the package, there is minor shedding happen to my smudger brush. Two or three bristles fell off, but completely forgivable. Even after i wash it, the shedding never occur. Hopefully, it never strays anymore :)
And this is probably the best eyeliner brush for me. Armando Caruso name it as a classic eyeliner brush. Really classic and it is perfect for making cat eyes.
It is very pointy, so making sharp end is easy with this brush. I like the diameter for the brush that is somehow bigger than my previous Masami Shouko eyeliner brush. Simply because i am monolided. I have to draw thicker eyeliner. Brush with big diameter like this really save the time. With the pointy end? Just perfect la
Last in my eyebrushes arsenal is Slanted liner brush.
Again the bristles are dense and it is quite thick, so it is just perfect for monolid eyes type. I like to use this for eyebrow brush as well.
Last one! Armando Caruso Mini Kabuki Brush. The size is mini and it is so fitting to any make up pouch!
Soft, dense, and practical! I like the mini kabuki Brush from Armando Caruso
Judging from the quality, prepare your heart well because they come in reasonable prices!
+ Reasonable price
+ Easy to find whether online or directly at the stores
+ Ergonomic handle
+ Soft bristles, high quality ones
+ Easy to use and has no weird smell
+ Classy and look professional
- Minor shedding for the Smudger Brush
Rating : 4,5/5 (Almost Perfect!)
If you are monolided like me, i recommend you to get Armando Caruso Classic Eyeliner Brush and Armando Caruso Slanted Liner Brush. They both are affordable, 32500 rupiahs each, but really works well!
Thanks a lot Ayou Beauty for giving me the chance to try these brushes! They serve me well.
Ayou Beauty
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  1. Thanks for the review! I have never heard about this brand before. The prices are so affordable! ^^ will check them out when I hit the malls.


    1. So affordable, right? hehehe finally we all beauty enthusiast have choices of our make up brush

  2. thanks for reviewing
    gak pernah denger nama brush ini dech..
    jadi pengen coba...


  3. Woaaaaah nice review..
    Brushnya cantik.. harganya pun ciamik..
    Btw Bristle nya sysnthetic ato Natural?


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