
Sponsored Review: Hadalabo Skincare part 1

1:00 PM

I am fond of Hadalabo ever since two years ago. At that moment, Hadalabo was only available in Japan and China. I also have to buy 'em at online shop with a high price hellokitty10.gif. Hmmm, i think around 200.000 IDR for a toner. So much for a poor student like me *slapped!

Just like a breeze in a hot day. Finally Hadalabo comes in Indonesia market with more affordable price! Jiahhh... back then, i paid a lot to get a good product like this. Now, this product is affordable without leaving it`s effectiveness! That is even better. Those products above were sent to me two months ago by PT. Rohto Indonesia. I was thinking that i want to use it for a month first before reviewing it, but then when i finally ready, i got accident! I have to be temporarily crippled >.<. So sorry, PT. Rohto for i haven`t been able to post review about these sooner.

Face wash ( Blue: Shirojyun, White: Gokujyun)

PT. Rohto kinly send me the whitening series, plus they send me a face wash from gokujyun series and a packet of shirojyun series. FYI, Shirojyun series are made for whitening purposes. They comes in blue tubes and bottles. Then, gokujyun series are invented for moisturizing purposes. They comes in white tubes and bottles.

Shirojyun series( L -R: Face wash, Serum, and Toner)

In Japan, this brand is famous hellokitty05.gif! It is sold 1 every two seconds, i also read many good reviews about them. So, stay tuned for in depth review for each product. I had bough the shirojyun lotion and gokyujun toner to complete my Hadalabo collection. See ya again, readers!

Listening to: Hero by Mariah Carey ( very motivating!)
Love hellokitty08.gif: Pai Tze Huang Medicine
Hate hellokitty07.gif : Still.. The painful wounds....

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  1. get well soon han ><
    waiting for your review yaa..take your time ^^

  2. Wow, very detailed review of this Hada Labo product. I will be waiting for another review of skincare / makeup products. ^_^ Many thanks


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